Game Settings
📊 Difficulty Info
View current game difficulty, number ranges, and potential difficulty changes.
$ eatthepie difficulty-info
When you execute the command, you'll see the current difficulty settings and statistics:
Current Difficulty: Easy (0)
Number Range: 1 to 25
Etherball Range: 1 to 10
Consecutive Statistics:
Consecutive Games With Jackpot: 2
Consecutive Games Without Jackpot: 0
Difficulty Change Potential:
1 more consecutive jackpot needed to increase difficulty
When buying tickets, choose numbers within these ranges.
The difficulty levels have different number ranges:
# Easy Mode
Number Range: 1 to 25
Etherball Range: 1 to 10
# Medium Mode
Number Range: 1 to 50
Etherball Range: 1 to 10
# Hard Mode
Number Range: 1 to 75
Etherball Range: 1 to 10
🔄 Change Difficulty
Manually trigger a difficulty change when conditions are met.
$ eatthepie change-difficulty
When conditions are met and the command succeeds:
Transaction Hash:
Note: If the conditions for a difficulty change are met, the change will take effect in the next game.
Difficulty change initiated successfully!
If conditions aren't met:
Cannot change difficulty yet. Not enough games played or too soon since last change.
Tips 💡
- Conditions required for difficulty change:
- Easy → Medium: 3 consecutive jackpot wins
- Medium → Hard: 3 consecutive jackpot wins
- Hard → Medium: 3 consecutive games without jackpot
- Medium → Easy: 3 consecutive games without jackpot
- Use the
command first to check if change is possible - The change takes effect in the next game round