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Prize & NFT Commands

💰 Claim Prize

Claim your winnings from a game you've won.
$ eatthepie claim-prize

When you execute the command, you'll be prompted to enter the game number:

Enter the game number for which you want to claim the prize: 2

If you have a prize to claim, you'll see the transaction process:

Transaction Hash:
Prize claimed successfully!

Tips 💡

  • Make sure the game draw is completed before attempting to claim
  • You can only claim a prize once
  • Use the did-i-win command first to check if you have any prizes to claim
  • Double-check your wallet has enough WLD for gas fees

🎨 Mint NFT

Mint a special NFT commemorating your jackpot win.
$ eatthepie mint-nft

When you execute the command, you'll be prompted to specify the winning game:

Enter the game number for which you want to mint the winning NFT: 2

If you're eligible and the transaction succeeds:

Transaction Hash:
Winning NFT minted successfully!

If you weren't a jackpot winner:

Only jackpot winners can mint a NFT.

Tips 💡

  • Make sure you have enough WLD in your wallet to cover gas fees
  • The NFT will appear in your wallet once the transaction is confirmed
  • You can view the NFT on popular NFT marketplaces like OpenSea